Period: to
Texas Revolution
The beginning and end of the Texas Revolution -
battle of gonzoles
battle resolted in the pirut casualtion of the texas revotution one texian rolider war inuered i mexican solider killed -
the consution of 1835
a meeting of represent ations or ulam districv of texas war planed for the fan the 1835 at coolumbio -
texans attacked jan antonio
600 mexacan killed or wounded thiss battle i sconsided on of the most famous battein american history -
several assaults
the enemy s forces have been incresing in number daily notwithstanding assaults they have made upon U.S. i neglected to mention in the proper place -
texas decleration of independence is adopted
second battle of the goliad comign of 7 men of the grant and moriz forcer fromtie johnson grant venune -
the runaway sorope
settlers had lead their named battle loses in the vebelisn a goust the contrals macrans uterernent -
battle of coleto
final bettle of goliad comping 10 texians killed 60 -
battle of jan jacinto
afteran 18 minute bate .thjis was the last battle of the texas revolution 630 mexians 20 8 wounded 730 cyoturent and 9 texas killed 30 wouneded