1546 BCE
Peace with France
1545 BCE
French invasion of the Isle of Wight
1544 BCE
Invasion of Scotland and France
1543 BCE
Treaty of Greenwich - peace between England and Scotland
1542 BCE
Invasion of Scotland
1540 BCE
Henry marries Anne of Cleves
1539 BCE
Anti-English crusade by Pope
1538 BCE
Peace between France and Holy Roman Empire
1536 BCE
Renewal of fighting between France and the Holy Roman Empire and Spain
1533 BCE
Henry begins break with Rome
1532 BCE
Defensive alliance between England and France
1529 BCE
Peace of Cambrai between France and Holy Roman Empire
1527 BCE
Sack of Rome
1527 BCE
Treaty of Amiens - England offers France support against Holy Roman Empire and Spain
1525 BCE
Peace with France
1522 BCE
War with France
1521 BCE
Treaty of Bruges - Charles V and Henry's joint invasion of France
1520 BCE
Field of Cloth of Gold
1518 BCE
Treaty of London - European peace
1517 BCE
Treaty of Cambrai - peace between Holy Roman Empire and France
1516 BCE
Treaty of Noyon - peace between Spain and France
1514 BCE
Marriage of Louis XII of France and Princess Mary
1513 BCE
Second invasion of France - Battle of Spurs victory
1513 BCE
War against Scotland - James IV defeated
1512 BCE
First invasion of Frane - achieved nothing
1510 BCE
- Treaty of Etaples renewed
1510 BCE
Treaty of Etaples Renewed - peace between France and England