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Henry Clay- Aidan McMahon

  • Henry Clay's Birthday

    Born in Hanover County, Virginia.
  • Henry Clay is admitted into law

    Henry Clay manages to get into law. He works in Lexington, Kentucky.
  • Elected to Senate

    When John Adair resigns, Clay is elected as a Democtatic Republican to Senate, despite being under the required age of 30.
  • Elected to Twelfth and Thriteenth Congress

    Serves as Speaker of the House, and appointed a commisioner to negotiate a peace treaty with Britian in 1914. Resigned ion January 19, 1814.
  • Henry Clay Writes Pro-War Letter

    As a "War Hawk:, Henry Clay writes a letter in which he encourages the War of 1812.
  • Missouri applies for statehood

    Missouri applies for statehood.
  • Maine applies for statehood

    Maine applies for statehood.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Under the Missouri Compromise, Missouri, and all future states below its line of latitude, will be admitted as slave states. Maine, and all states above Missouri, will be admitted as free states. Henry Clay was crucial in creating the Compromise of 1820.
  • Election of 1824

    Henry Clay runs for president but gets few votes. When the race between Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams comes off as inconclusive, the House of Representatives is called to make the decision. Henry Clay sways the election in favor of Adam's position, and Adam appoints Clay as Secretary of State. Jackson's supporters named this the "Corrupt Bargain".
  • Clay Formed the Whig Party

    Clay is head of the Whig party
  • Election of 1832

    Henry Clay runs for presidency again, but loses.
  • Tariff Compromise of 1833

  • Senate's Censure of Andrew Jackson

    Henry Clay asks Senate to censure Andrew Jackson after he refuses to give them a document. The vote is 26-20 in favor of reprimanding Jackson.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    After the Mexican-American War, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is signed. As a result, the USA gains a large amount of territory; there is controversy over whether they should be free states or slave states.
  • Compromise of 1850

    After the Mexican War, the US tries to reach a decision on the issue of slavery in the new territory. Henry Clay proposes a new compromise. According to the compromise, California would be admitted as a free state. The Fugitive Slave Act would be introduced. The slave trade in Washington D.C. would be outlawed, and Texas would be paid $10 million for giving up some of its disputed territory. No slavery restrictions would be passed in Utah or New Mexico.
  • Death

    Henry Clay dies of tuberculosis in the District of Columbia. at the age of 75.
  • Lincoln's Speech

    Abraham Lincoln gives a speech commemorating Henry Clay after his death.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The Kansas-Nebraska Act is enacted after Clay's death. This compromise repeals the Missouri Compromise, allowing states to decide on being a free state or a slave state through popular sovereignty.
  • Fort Sumter Bombardment

    Confederate forces open fire on Fort Sumter, marking the beginning of a war Henry Clay had worked strenuously to avoid.