Henry Clay is born in Hanover County, Virginia. -
Henry Clay's Political Career Starts
Henry Clay is elected into the Kentucky General Assembly. This kicked off his political career. If he had not been elected we might not of had the Tariff Compromise, Missouri Compromise, and the Compromise of 1850. -
Henry Clay is elected to the House of Representatives
In 1811, Henry Clay is elected to the House of Representative and chosen as the Speaker of the House. The first thing he did was take over the house by forming different committees then filling them with his own men. Clay made the position of Speaker of the House a political force. -
Clay Urges for War
Henry Clay urges the United states to go to war against Britain. This is important because the war increased American Manufacturing. Another reason this war was important is that it boosted America's pride. -
Clay and the "American System"
Henry Clay comes up with his political system. This system consisted of three parts: a tariff to protect and promote American industry; a national bank to foster commerce; and federal subsidies for roads, canals, and other internal improvements. This was what Clay believed was the best thing for the United States. -
Henry Clay Helps End War
After years of fighting the War of 1812 the U.S. won. Henry Clay was chosen as a member of the peace delegation at Ghent, Bulgaria. This treaty ended the war. -
Missouri Compromise
Henry Clay proposes the Missouri compromise. This compromise stated any land north of the southern border of Missouri. This line helped decide whether a state was free or slave. -
Henry Clay Is Appointed to Secretary of State
On March 7 of 1824 Clay was appointed to Secretary of State by John Quincy Adams. Many people saw this as a corrupt bargain between Adams and Clay when Clay attacked his opposition Andrew Jackson and urged people to vote for Adams. As Secretary of State Clay would deal with all foreign policies. -
The Whig Party
Henry Clay and Daniel Webster create the Whig Party. This party was Anti-Jackson and saw Jackson as a king. The Whig party was one of the things that inspired Abraham Lincoln to become apart of politics. -
Compromise Tariff of 1833
Henry Clay proposes the Compromise Tariff of 1833. This compromise gradually lowered the protective tariff rates over the next 10 years until, in 1842, they would be as low as they were by the Tariff Act of 1816. This compromise ended the Nullification Crisis. -
Compromise of 1850
In 1850 Henry Clay proposed a compromise. This stated that California will be admitted to the union as a free state, slave trade was banned in Washington D.C., popular sovereignty would be used on the Mexican Cession, and a tough new fugitive slave law would be put into action. This is important because it stopped the U.S. from going to war. -
Henry Clay died of tuberculosis in Washington on June 29, 1852.