Date Enlisted
Date Ship Sailed
HMAT Boonah -
Henry Disembarked Plymouth -
When Henry arived
Him and his brother were admitted to hospital with scabies -
went to France for his first war
chosen for a Battalion squad
was taken on strength by the CO 9th Battalion on June 1st. -
men stayed in billets
The battalion stayed in billets and moved from house to house until they were assigned to do something else. -
battle of polygon wood
The letter reads in part:- Sir I am the Brother of Pte E H Allen. I was with him in the Battle of Polygon Wood on 20th September 1917 but I did not see him after the battle had started but Pte Burke A Co 9th Btn told me that my Brother was killed on braud Sean Bridge Pashandale Menning Road near the forward Dressing Station at that time 20th Sep 1917 this is all the Details I can give .......... [sic] -
were relieved by the 8th Battalion
Henry was wounded in action
On October 10th this was amended to read Classified Shell Shock. Amongst his records is a document that tells us more. It was filled out by the CO of the 9th Battn. The page headed Urgent and Confidential gives insight into the then new idea that men could be injured WITHOUT displaying any physical wounds and a growing understanding of the condition Shell Shock -
Hennry returned to HAVRE
returning to his Battalion in the front line in Hollebrke BELGIUM
In the evening an intense bombardment with gas shells occurred. There were very high casualties, most of the cases developing their symptoms the following morning. War Diaries 9th AIF They were once again gassed at the end of the month and Henry was admitted to hospital. -
returning to his Battalion in the front line in Hollebrke BELGIUM
In the evening an intense bombardment with gas shells occurred. There were very high casualties, most of the cases developing their symptoms the following morning. War Diaries 9th AIF They were once again gassed at the end of the month and Henry was admitted to hospital. -
Henry being admitted to the field hospital with burns to his left foot
Henry marched out from France to England
returned to Australia on HMAT disembarking on 20th August 1919.
Henry married Margaret Murtagh in queensland
He continued to farm in Chinamans Creek as he had before going to war and moved to Tinana later in life.