Henri Poincare (Born April 29,1854 - Died July 17,1912)

  • King Oscar II Prize Offer For Who Could Establish The Stability Of The Solar System.

    King Oscar II had all of the greatest mathematicians at the time to figure out the stability of the solar system in honor of his 60th birthday. At this time Poincare was already working on the differential equation that explains that solution curves has possible singular points.
  • Differential Equation and The Solar System

    Poincare's Equation could show that the planets move in more of a curve in the solar system. Other great mathematicians like Issac Newton had a tough time describing the solar systems motion.
  • Poincare Makes Headway

    Poincare began to focus on the simpler things such as that two massive bodies of mass orbits in a circle in their own common center of gravity.
  • Poincare Wins

    Due to his publication about how the universe planets move about on a curve, Poincare won the prize offered by King Oscar. He won despite have the true answer of how the solar system moves but he was the closest.
  • Dates and Citations

    Gray, Jeremy John. “Henri Poincaré.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 13 July 2018, www.britannica.com/biography/Henri-Poincare. “FROM ORDER TO CHAOS: THE PRIZE COMPETITION IN HONOUR OF KING OSCAR II.” FROM ORDER TO CHAOS: THE PRIZE COMPETITION IN HONOUR OF KING OSCAR II | IML, www.mittag-leffler.se/library/henri-poincare.
  • Philosopher Key Moment

    Created The differential equations that could describes the motion of the solar system.
  • Video of the Poincare Conjecture