Hilary putnam

Henning, PHIL202, Hilary Putnam 1926-2016

  • Birth

    Putnam was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1926
  • Putnam's "Meaning of 'Meaning'"

    Putnam's "Meaning of 'Meaning'"
    One of Putnam's earliest and perhaps most influential theories was his published work on "The Meaning of 'Meaning'". In it Putnam discussed how meanings are not purely mental entities, but are also not purely conceptual. He stated that they are in fact mental entities being anchored into external reality. He also talks about the traditional notion of a mental state, and states how he believes many philosophers make assumptions of methodological solipsism.
  • Brain in a Vat

    Brain in a Vat
    Putnam is perhaps best well known for his criticism of the "brain in a vat theory". The brain in a vat is a scenario used in many experiments to draw out features of human conceptions, like knowledge, reality, truth, consciousness, and meaning. For a short video on the brain in a vat theory and Putnam's views on it click the link below.
  • Death

    Hilary Putnam died at the age of 89 in Arlington, MA