Hello Govner

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    On a nice August night on at 8:43 i was born at Hans Gran Beach Hospitle in Belviue.
  • 1st Birthday at Home!!!!

    1st Birthday at Home!!!!
    My 1st birthday at home was awsome for what I can remmber i got my first build a bare and it was ritious.
  • my 6th Birthday at our new house

    my 6th Birthday at our new house
    For my 6th birthday i gkot my first bike without training weels it was a pink mongoose
  • My 10 birthday

    My 10 birthday
    For my 10th birthday i got a new bike because my old one broke
  • My 11th birthday

    My 11th birthday
    For my 11th dirthday we went to Airway Lanes Fun and that is my current age!!! :)