Hellenistic Greece

  • 323 BCE

    Death of Alexander the Great

    He died of fever in Mesopotamia
  • 312 BCE

    Seleucid Dynasty Founded

    Seleucose conquers Babylon to form the new dynasty
  • 310 BCE

    Assassination of Roxanne and Alexander IV

    The assassinations of Alexander the Great's wife and son
  • 309 BCE

    Carthaginian Armies Have Victory

    They end up taking the cities of Utica and Hippacra
  • 306 BCE

    Demetrius I defeats Ptolemy off the coast of Cyprus

  • 306 BCE

    Epicurus begins to teach Epicureanism

    This is also when the presence of the Epicureans and the Stoics begins to take shape.
  • 295 BCE

    Demetrius I removes Tyrants from Athens, defeats Sparta