Helen Longino is an american philospher of science who argues for the significance of values and social interactions to scientific inquiry. She still alive today. -
Science as a social knowledge: Values and objectivity in scientific inquiry
Helen published her first book which book argues the importance of social values in science. Helen Longion, Science as a Social Knowledge. file:///C:/Users/Alexa/Downloads/Longino%20Science%20in%20Society.pdf. -
Fate of Knowledge
Helen's second book to be published, the fate of knowledge, received the Robert K. Merton Professional Award for best book from the Section for Science, Knowledge, and Technology of the American Sociological Association. “Longino, H.: The Fate of Knowledge (Paperback) | Princeton University Press.” Princeton University, The Trustees of Princeton University, press.princeton.edu/titles/7156.html. -
Studying Human Behavior
Helen publishes her third book in which she examines five scientific approaches to human aggression and sexuality in terms of their epistemological frameworks. University of Notre Dame. “Studying Human Behavior: How Scientists Investigate Aggression and Sexuality // Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews // University of Notre Dame.” Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, ndpr.nd.edu/news/studying-human-behavior-how-scientists-investigate-aggression-and-sexuality/. -
Best Book IN Feminist Philosophy
Helen's book, Studying Human Behavior, was awarded the Best Book in Feminist Philosophy Prize for 2014 by the Women’s Caucus of the Philosophy of Science Association. -
Vice President
Helen becomes the first vice president of the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science.