Helen e longino

Helen Longino (07/13/1944-Present)

By ajsmall
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    Received B.A.

    English literature from Barnard College
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    Received M.A.

    Philosophy from the University of Sussex, England
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    University of California
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    Received PhD

    Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland
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    Mills College
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    University of Minnesota
  • Helen's Contributions

    Helen Elizabeth Longino emphasizes the importance of values and social interactions in scientific investigation. She promotes the inclusion and involvement of women in science. Longino is a revered figure in feminist and social epistemology, making significant contributions to these fields.
  • Helen's Contributions

    Longino emphasizes the importance of context in assessing evidence. Multiple theories can explain the same observations, leading to uncertainty in selecting one theory. Scientists' perspectives on evidence and their endorsement of a theory are shaped by these principles. Longino uses the example of red spots on a girl to illustrate how preconceived notions and different hypotheses impact the perceived support for an idea based on evidence.
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    Clarence Irving Lewis Professor

    Became the Clarence Irving Lewis Professor of Philosophy
  • ENPOSS 2016: Helen Longino - Scale Matters in Epistemology and in Social Analysis

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    First Vice President

    Became the First Vice President of the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science
  • References

    Encyclopedia of Scientonomy. Helen Longino. 2 December 2017. https://www.scientowiki.com/Helen_Longino.
    ENPOSS 2016: Helen Longino - Scale Matters in Epistemology and in Social Analysis. Perf. Helen Longino. 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcvSPithqGA.
    Stanford University. Helen Longino CLARENCE IRVING LEWIS PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY, EMERITA. n.d. https://profiles.stanford.edu/helen-longino.