Heelotians & Hokies

By JPick
  • How It all Starts

    Two Cultures Don’t get along, very different values. It is hard to communicate with the other people with keeping their values, but still respecting the others values.
  • Period: to

    Heelotians & Hokies History

  • The Leaders Meet up

    The Head Hokie and The High Heelo meet up at the border where the two territories meet up. They write down offers to trade resources since they both need each others resources.
  • Leaders Both Know There Needs To Be Trading

    The Hokies are starting to run out of food for the winter.
    It is harvest time for the Heelotians and some of their crops are brown because of minimal water.
  • Agreement Made

    Six month later the two sides come to an agreement. The Hokies agree to trade with the Heelotians 10 gallons of water for 15 pounds of fresh fruits and vegtables weekly.
  • All Goes Well Untill...

    Its been 6 years since their trade and the Hokies start to run out of water. They steal crops, stored water, jewerly, and anything they can so they can continue the trades.
  • High Heelo Finds Out

    The High Heelo notices that they are being tricked into trading their own property for their own crops and food. Which then they turn around and start stealing their stuff back and it starts into a bloody war.
  • The War of 1834

    Heelotians and Hokies go to war for several days which both sides trying to controll the other side. Both Countries populations were reduce by 50% during The War of 1834
  • Heelotians surrender

    The Hokies controll both territories now, using the Heelotians as slaves. But every night when the moon comes out, the Heelotians come out and carefuly plan an assination on the Hokies
  • Assination of The Head Hokie

    One silent night, the Heelotians manage to sneek out of the prisons where they sleep. And they go to the Head Hokies hut and silently start killing anyone they have to so they can reach the Leader.
  • Heelotians Rule

    The Hokies don't have a leader anymore so they dont know what to do. So therefore they surrender. Which leads to the Heelotians in charge.