
Hebrew History Timeline

By adunham
  • Jan 16, 722

    Assyrians of Mesopotamia swept in a conquered the kingdom of Israel

    Assyrians of Mesopotamia swept in a conquered the kingdom of Israel
  • Jan 13, 1000

    Jerusalem choosen as Capital

    Jerusalem choosen as Capital
    Jeruselem the holy city is chosen as the capital of Irael
  • Jan 16, 1012

    1012 B.C. David Takes throne

    1012 B.C. David Takes throne
    David... yes the one you "defeated Goliaith"
  • Jan 16, 1020

    Israelites unite under one king Saul

    the 10 tribes join as one.
  • Jan 13, 1095

    Theorcry ends, Isreal becomes a Monarcy

    Theorcry ends, Isreal becomes a Monarcy
    Hebrews go from a government by god to a goverment with a king
  • Jan 18, 1250

    Isrealites ocuppy Cannan

    Isrealites ocuppy Cannan
    Iraelites finaly reach their "promise land" after 40 years of walking and living as nomads
  • Jan 13, 1491

    Exodus Of Egypt

    Exodus Of Egypt
    Moses Leds the Jews out of Egypt and in to the Sinai Desert
  • Jan 13, 1491

    10 Comandments Recieved

    10 Comandments Recieved
    Hebrews recieved the 10 comandments to live by..."thou shall not steal, thous shall not want, thou shall not kill.....
  • Abraham is born

    Abraham is born
    Hebrews can trace there ancestry back to Abraham. Abraham was confronted by his god Yahweh or God to only worsphip him. He also told Abraham that he would make a great nation of him.
  • the chaldeans gained control of Judah

    the chaldeans gained control of Judah
  • Persians conquered the Chaleand

    Persians conquered the Chaleand
  • Israel is split into two kingdoms

    Judah and Israel
  • The Torah, the holy book of Judaism, is created

    The Torah, the holy book of Judaism, is created
    The Jewish Bible.