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Heathers Timeline of the Revolution

  • Period: to

    American Revolution

  • Capture of Fort Ticonderoga

    This small colonial victory changed the nature of the revolutionary war by ending all communication between northern and southern british stationed troops.
  • Patrick Henery's "give me liberty or give me death" speach

    This is when the colonists began to speak out against the British.It gave the colonists the motivation needed to increase the momentum of starting the war.
  • British and Iroquis Alliance

    The british allied with some of the native american tribes in order to try and defeat the Colonists.
  • The drafting of the declaration of Independance

    Tohmas Jefferson and John adams drafted the Declaration of independance to start the American revolutionary war.
  • Washington crosses the deleware

    Washington crossed the deleware to supprise the enemy at yorktown
  • Saratoga Campain

    The british attempted to control the Houdson river valley but failed. The colonists werethen able to change the nature of the war with the addition of forien allies.
  • The French Alliance

    This alliance between the Colonies and the French was a major turning point in the American revolution because it altered the resolution of the war by providing the help and man power that the colonist needed to defeat the British.
  • Spain Declares War on Great Britain

    The spanish created an alliance with the colonies and the french by declaring war against Britain.
  • Battle of Cowan's Ford

    This event was the battle that caused the resolution of the American revolution and the surrender of the British Army.
  • Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur Comte de Rochambeau

    The leader of over 7,000 french troops helped in causing Lord Cornwalis to surrender.