Heather Lock

By heatmac
  • Prenatal Development & Birth

    Prenatal Development & Birth
  • Period: to

    My Lifespan

  • The First Two Years Biosocial & Cognitive Event

    The First Two Years Biosocial & Cognitive Event
    The social learning and cognitive development theories, can be seen to be proceeding from two different starting points. Social learning suggests that a child is rewarded for gender specific behaviors and therefore comes to regard itself as belonging to that gender. Cognitive development starts with the premise that a child has a boyish, or girlish, personality and therefore likes the appropriate things. Some Doctors suggest that the baby behaves in an innate boyish or girlish way, and tha
  • The First Two Years Psychosocial Event

    The First Two Years Psychosocial Event
    Potty Trained! Erikson believe that learning to control one’s body functions leads to a feeling of control and a sense of independence.
  • The Play years Biosocial Event

    The Play years Biosocial Event
    Riding a Tricycle
  • The Play Years Cognitive Event

    The Play Years Cognitive Event
    Puzzle Time! Tachers or Caregivers should be encouraging children to explore problem solving activities. Puzzles, simple scientific experiments, quantifying and counting games, blocks, and cooking are examples of learning experiences that enhance cognitive development.
  • The Play Years Psychosocial Event

    The Play Years Psychosocial Event
    I have two little brothers that I help play "mommy" to whenever I can.
  • The School Years Biosocial Event

    The School Years Biosocial Event
    I tested out of the normal curriculm, and was placed in TAG for half the day throughout the school year, with other children similar to myself.
  • The School Years Cognitive Event

    The School Years Cognitive Event
    I tryout for the Junior Company Dance at my Performing Arts studio, and choreograph my own tryout solo. I made it!
  • The School Years Pscychosocial Event

    The School Years Pscychosocial Event
    I travel for the first time without my parents to a dance convention out of town. My hotel room was just myself and 3 other girls- we were totally responsible for ourselves, and it was glorious!
  • Adolescence Biosocial

    Adolescence Biosocial
    I became a "Woman"
  • Adolescence Cognitive

    Adolescence Cognitive
    I attended my first All County Science Fair, presenting "The affects of pollution on fresh water fish." I won a superior score and went on to regionals, then state science fair.
  • Adolescence Psychosocial

    Adolescence Psychosocial
    I was crowned Homecoming Queen at the Homecoming Game, an honor especially since I was voted by my peers.
  • Emerging Adulthood Biosocial

    Emerging Adulthood Biosocial
    Went skydiving for the FIRST and LAST time!!!!!!!
  • Emerging Adulthood Cognitive

    Emerging Adulthood Cognitive
    Rose above the stereotypical female persona and recieved top sales for the Mortgage Company I worked for. This resulted in a promotion to Senior Account Exec!
  • Emerging Adulthood

    Emerging Adulthood
    My boyfriend of five years propeses to me while we are watching the sunset in Cancun.... and I say "Yes!"
  • Adulthood Biosocial

    Adulthood Biosocial
    I get married on Friday the 13th,, 2009.
  • Adulthood Psychosocial

    Adulthood Psychosocial
    I became a mother to a beautiful, healthy baby boy.
  • Adulthood Cognitive

    Adulthood Cognitive
    I teach my childrenthe importance of listening in school, and applying themselves, so that they can succeed in the future.
  • Late Adulthood Biosocial

    Late Adulthood Biosocial
    At my annual physical the Doctor tells me that I must start watching what foods I eat due to my high blood pressure as well as the potential I have for cardiovascular disease.
  • Late Adulthood Cognitive

    Late Adulthood Cognitive
    At the family reunion my younger brothers talk of our childhood days, and for some reason I have no recollection of the memories they are discussing,
  • Late Adulthood Psychosocial

    Late Adulthood Psychosocial
    Now that my husband and I are retired we plan on doing all the things we couldn't while we both were working...... but that isn't enough to fill our days.
  • Death and Dying

    Death and Dying
    Today was my last day on Earth, my husband died 4 years prior, so I am excited to see hima and my family once again. Lemon shots for everyone that came to my funeral.. I always liked to have a good time!