Papi Dies
This is the date or near the date when Michael's dad Papi dies. This is important because this makes the conflict in the novel. -
Criminal Stopper
This is the date when he stops a criminal from stealing an old lady's purse. This is important becaue later in the book he needs to take a picture with an award for this with his father and this creates a problem. -
Beat Justin's Team for the first time
This is the date where they best Westchester south for the first time. This is important because this sparks a rivalry that causes a problem later in the novel. -
Needs to show Birth Citificate
This is the date when he is called out by a team thinking that he is not 12, making him unable to play until he shows his birth certificate. This is important because this puts forth a huge problem for Michael and his brother to overcome. -
Found Birth Cirtificate
Play in Yankee Stadium