
Heart Transplant

  • The first heart-lung machine

    The first heart-lung machine
    The first heart-lung machine was used for heart surgery. This was one of the developments that made heart transplants possible.
  • First Human Heart Transplant

    First Human Heart Transplant
    Christiaan Barnard performed the first heart transplant on him. He survived for 18 days.
  • 1970-1971

    The number of heart transplants declined due to not being able to keep the patients alive for a long time. They then put a halt on transplants until further research was done.
  • First successful heart transplant in the UK

    First successful heart transplant in the UK
    Sir Terence English performed the first successful heart transplant in the UK on patient, Keith Castle.
  • The first non-beating transplant

    The first non-beating transplant
    Using non-beating hearts after cardiac death has the potential to increase the number of hearts available for transplant. There were 14 DCD heart transplants in the UK in 2016-2017.
  • Today

    There looking at ways for the human heart to repair itself so they can do less and less heart transplants.