2000 BCE
Ancient egyptians kept first health records
The medical reocrds inscribed on papyri give insight to diseases, diagnosis, and treatment methods used during that time. It lets us know how developed their society has been in medicine. It also lets us know what methods are similar to what we use today. -
400 BCE
Hippocreates discovers disease is from natural causes
Many people during that time believed that diseases were from bad spirirts and demons. So they prayed and gave exorcism to those with diseases. Hippocreates discovered that disease came from natural causes like environment, diet, and living factors. This is important because knowing this means that the disease infected patients can get proper treatment and adjustment from their past lifestyles. It also helps prevent future unnecessary deaths and religious treatments. -
312 BCE
Roman aqueducts
The romans created aqueducts in their empire to bring in water from other cities and towns. It created a clean water source for drinking, bathing, and fountains. Fresh water is important because it prevents diseases and exposure. With unclean water toxins can enter the body which creates a lace for harmful bacteria to spread. -
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek creates microscope
He created the first single lens microscope which he used to make observations about bacteria and protozoas. He made over 500 microscopes to view specific objects. His studies helped see things that caused disease and study it. It also helped find ways to prevent it. -
John hunter establishes surgeical procedures
He made important contributions to surgery and disease. He would take subjects (sometimes himself) and inject them with certain diseases to see if they could have both at the same time. This experiment opened up lots of new knowledge that helped develop the surgery we use now. -
Dr. Jesse Bennet performs the fist succsesful C section
Dr. Jesse bennet performed the first successful C section on his wife Elizabeth bennet during child birth. He stepped in after the original physician refused to perform it. He used laudanum as an anesthsia. This is important because it was the first time it had gone successful for both baby and the mother. It showed a new chance at helping the death rate lower during childbirth. New options became available to help the mother and child live. -
Edward Jenner devloped smallpox vaccination
Edward jenner discovered that Cowpox was very similar and less deathly, and that people who caught cowpox did not catch smallpox. This discovery led to the first smallpox vaccine where they injected cowpox into your system. This is important because it led the desemilation of smallpox and the discovery of many more life saving vaccinations. -
Dr.Philippe Pinel starts humane treatment on mental health patients
Dr. Pinel believed that humane treatment was important for mental health patients. He worked to abolish use of chains, cuffs, and other inhumane treatments. Pinel believed that mental illness is curable as long as you use friendly contact with a patient. This is important because unhumane treatment can make a mental health patient worse and cause emotional distress. -
Florence nightingale establishes sanitary nursin units
During the Crimean war there were lots of casualties and Florence and a group of nurses decided to go and help the doctors. The Hospitals death rates were high and conditions were bad. Florence brought sanitation, nutritious food, and supplies This made the death rate go from 40% to 2%. This is important because sanitation was very well known but bacteria is easily spread during wars and dirty environments. Florence helps create a new standard for medical practice in the war. -
Wilhem roentgen discovers Xrays
The Xray was a very important discovery. Wilhem even won a nobel prize for it. Xrays let people see the structure of the bones underneath the skin without opening a person up. They use external radiation to produce images of the body and its organs. -
Miller Reese patented the battery driven hearing aid
Miller Reese developed the hearing aid to help a friend who was deaf. He called it the Akouphone, it used a transmitter that amplified a sound by taking a weak signal and using electrical current to make it stronger. This is important because it helps with communication, learning, and daily activities for a deaf person. it lead the way for more studying of hearing aids. -
Isolated radium
Radium is very important it can be used in radiotherapy for cancer. Isolated radium was a very important discovery because it showed the isolation of elements and how they could be used. Marie used pure radium salts and dissolved tons of acid to help isolate radium. -
Sir alexander flemming discovers penicillin
Penicillin is a group of antibiotics used to treat infections from bacteria. It decreased death percentages a lot. It treats Pnemonuia, scarlett fever, syphyillis, and other infections. Flemining found Penicillin by isolating mold and took an extract from it to use the active agent as medicine. -
The first heart-lung machine was used for open heart surgery
The mayo gibben device was developed at the mayo clinic by Dr gibbon and his coworkers. The machine keeps blood moving away from your heart, It takes over your hearts umping action. This allows a surgeon to operate on a nonbeating heart.Open heart surgeries treat heart problems like heart fail, congenital heart defects, and coronary artery disease. -
Birth control pills were approved by the FDA
The first birth control pill was high in doses of hormones. This led to risky side effects, but the pill was nearly 100%effective This is important because it gave women control of their fertility. Birth rates dropped because women now had a new contraception to control their birth rates. It enchance abilities to control childbirth and plan fertility. -
The Uniform Anatomical Gift Act
This act lets you donate your organs, tissues, and other body parts to people who are in need of them. There are many regulations to organ donors. Organ donations can save the lives of many people. One body can provide enough organs to save up to 8 patients, even more if donating corneas and tissue.Some people worry about conflict of intrest when it comes to donations. -
HIV was identified to causing AIDS
A linkage of AIDS and HIV was made when they isolated HIV patients from patients with AIDS. It developed a blood test for and then later opened up blood transfusion centers. It helped understanding AIDS and the study for looking for a cure. Same with HIV, HIV didn't have lots of information on it. It furthered the study. -
A sheep was cloned
Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1997. She was cloned from an adult somatic cell. They took cells from Dolly's Dna mother and multiplied them and took an egg cell. Her birth proved that mammals could be cloned and this led the research for further cloning. It also was important because of large animal research. -
Approved surgicial robot
The surgicial roboy davinci was apporved in 2000. It allowed for surgical incisions to be smaller and more precise. There also was a lot less pain from surgeries and the recovery was faster. This greatly improved surgeries and opened up new opportunities for medical stuff. -
Smoking is banned in bars, resturants, and workplace
It controlled and regulated where smoker were allowed to smoke. This prevents mass amount of second hand smoke and cancer causing chemicals in the air. Second hand smoke can also cause coronary disease and strokes. Banning of smoking in certain public places dwindles the percentage.