By aleeza
  • Age 0 / Birth

    Birth of the individual. During this time, all systems have developed and are functioning normally.
  • Age 10

    The endocrine system is improving. During this time, by eating healthy and staying active, the individual's hormones are regulated and do not affect one's daily life negatively.
  • Age 15

    The individual gets sick multiple times within the last 5 years, but the white blood cells are working and have been successful in attempts to fight off the harmful bacteria or viruses.
  • Age 25

    At this time, by eating healthily and staying active every day, the individual's metabolism is functioning at a preferred pace.
  • Age 35

    During this period, the weight of the individual fluctuates regularly, but by exercising a healthy amount it stays at a relatively normal rate.
  • Age 45

    This individual's children have left for colleges, but since they go outside every day and make sure they are working out and moving, they don't feel depressed.
  • Age 55

    Though they are getting older, the individual is still healthy and is not experiencing many consequences of age, and their muscles are still very strong.
  • Age 70

    The individual is nearing the end of their life, but they still are well enough to go to the grocery store or take a walk outside.
  • Age 85 / Death

    The individual passed away peacefully in their sleep from old age. Their joints might have ached and they might have begun to forget some things, but they were still active and conscious before they passed away.