health sci history

  • 4000 BCE

    ancient times

    ancient times
    Religion played an important part in health care back in these ancient times. Diseases were thought to be from evil spirits and demons. Cerimonies and religious rites were seen as ways to rid of diseases. Research on the human body was not allowed because their religion was strict on dissection and cutting on the human body. (the act of beliving demons cause disease is called the Miasma theory). This is important because it shows exactly how we started in health care.
  • 3000 BCE


    The egyptians were the earliest people known to store health records. Most knowledge was limited to the select few who knew how to read, meaning usually priets were then ones to write recirds and occasionally preform surgeries. They also used magic and herbs to cure desieses This is important because it shows how the Egyptians had an important part in health care today
  • 1700 BCE


    Disection of the body was not allowed so most things the chinese knew about the body was inaccurate. They not only believed in curing the body but also the spirit by providing herbs, acupuncture, and moxibustion. They began the search for medical reasons for illness. This is important because it shows how different culturews thought of health care during this time.
  • 753 BCE


    • Orgnaized care for soldiers
    • First early hospitals (paitents recieved visits and care in their homes)
    • Began using aquaducts, sewers, and filtering systems
    • Raised average life span from 20 to 35 Developed later hospitals in religious institutions
    This is important becasue it shows the first advancements in healthcare and cleanliness.
  • 460 BCE


    -Father of medicine
    -Believed sickness was by natural causes
    -Pushed ideas of dieting and cleanliness
    -He is best known for his code of physicians
    -recorded signs and syntoms of desiese He is important because we still use his code to this day.
  • 129 BCE

    Claudias Galen

    Claudias Galen
    - The body regulated by 4 different fluids: blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile
    - Imballance in fluids=illness
    - Knew syntoms of inflamtion and studied diseases
    - Determined functions of muscles, kidney and bladder He is important because he discoved the main functions and parts of the body.
  • 400

    dark ages

    dark ages
    • Study of medicine stopped
    • Emphsis on saving the soul
    • Medicine was moslty herbs
    • Monks and preists were the main caretakers of people
    This is important becasue it shows how medicne stopped and we went back to our old ways.
  • 800

    middle ages

    middle ages
    • renewed medical practice and intrest
    • diseseas like the plauge, smallpox, malaria, and typhoid began to run rampent
    • Arab physicians advanced pharmacology
    • blood was suggested as a cause of diseases
    • Arabian physicians began to require examinations and a lisence
    This is important because the plauge pushed medicence to be studied again, leading to the rennisance.
  • 910


    • Arab physician
    • suggested blood caused and spreaded disease
    • used animal guts as sututres
    • distinguished between smallpox and measels
    • based dignosis on signs and syntoms
    He is important becasue he began forming and distinguishing between diseases and illnesses.
  • 1350


    • Rebirth of medicine and science
    • dissection of body was allowed
    • Artists like Da Vinci began to dissect and draw the human body
    • first positions of authority created at Oxford and Cambridge
    • Development of prenting press
    • First book of dieting written
    • Life span was now 30-40 years
  • 1500

    16th and 17th century

    16th and 17th century
    • cause of disease was still unkown
    • many people still died from infection and childbirth fever -first succesesful blood trnasfusion on animals
    • scientific societies established
    • early pharmasits sold and made medicine
    • life span increased to 35-45 years
  • 1510

    Ambroise Pare

    Ambroise Pare
    • establised use of thread and suture to bind arteries and stop bleeding
    • saught more treatment of fractures
    • promoted articical limbs
    • father of modern surgery
  • 18th century

    18th century
    • joseph priestly: discoverd oxegyn
    • gabriel farenhieght: first mercury thermometer
    • john hunter: espablished specific surgical procedures
    • benjiman franklin: discoverd bifocals for glasses
    • dr. jesse bennett: preformed first succsessful C-Section
  • 19th century

    19th century
    • Royal college of Surgeons founded
    • Barbers extracted teeth, used leeching, and gave enemas
    • Invention of stethoscope
    • First succseful blood transfussion on humans
    • cholera pandimec
    • first nurse training school
    • handwashing was encuraged but most doctors shut down the idea
    • anesthetic began to be used
    • AMA formed
    • first Womens Medical College
    • America Red cross founded
    • identified pathogens
    • vaccine for typhoid fever
    • asprin in powder form
  • Clara Barton

    Clara Barton
    • founder of american red cross
    • provided care to soldiers during civil war
    • she travelsd to geneva and learned about providing releif for sick and wounded soldiers
    • campained for the USA to sign the treaty of geneva so disater relief was accessible during peace and war
    • was the first president of american red cross
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    • French chemist
    • Father of Microbiological Sciences and Immunolgy
    • developed germ theory
    • Proved microorganisms caused most diseases
    • Said heat was harmful to germs especially in food
    • discoverd prosseses of pasteurization, vaccination, and fermentation
  • 20th century

    20th century
    • Yellow fever found in misquitoes
    • Classifed ABO blood groups
    • Hearing aid discoverd
    • Basis for psycology and pychiatry created
    • Influenza pandemic
    • Health insurence
    • Discovery of penicillian
    • First guide dog for blind
    • Alcoholics Anonymous founded
    • First heart-lung machine used in open heart surgery
    • Conjoined twins seperated for the first time
    • Birth control approved
    • polio vaccine
    • First liver and lung transplant
    • first hospice
    • hepatitias B vaccine
  • Benjamin Carson

    Benjamin Carson
    • Famous for multiple surgieres that seperated conjoined twins
    • one of the most skilled and accomplished neurosurgeons today
    • Once seprerated a pair of twin boys conjoined at the head and had them both succesfully survive indipendently
    • Has refined hemispherectomy and reconstruction of the face
    • author of 3 best selling books
    • President and cofounder of Carson Scholars Fund
  • 21st century

    21st century
    • Adult stem cells used for disease tratment
    • Approval of abortion pill
    • first robotic surgery system
    • Neatherlands first country to legalize euthanasia
    • Identified all 20,000 to 25,000 genes in human body
    • First face transplant
    • teeth discoverd as souce of stem cells
    • HIPAA went into effect
    • produced cancer killing cells
    • vaccine to prevent shingles
    • first over the counter weight loss pill approved
    • rhesus monkey cloned and embryo created stem cells
    • Scarless surgery
  • future for 21st century

    future for 21st century
    • cure to AIDS, cancer, and heart disease
    • genetic manipluation
    • slowing or stopping of aging process
    • elimination of paralysis
    • transplants of every organ are possible
    • antibiotics that don't allow resistance from pathogens
    • life span is increased to 100 years and beyond