Health Care Timeline

  • 4000 BCE

    believed that illness was caused by the supernatural spirits and demons

    believed that illness was caused by the supernatural spirits and demons
    This shows how little knowledge they had of disease and sickness at this time period.
  • 200 BCE

    stressed diet and cleanliness as ways to prevent disease

    stressed diet and cleanliness as ways to prevent disease
    This shows that they were beginning to find the real reason for the spread of the disease.
  • 400

    medications were mainly herbal mixtures

    medications were mainly herbal mixtures
    forms of medication were first being introduced
  • 600

    average age life span was 20 to 30 years

    average age life span was 20 to 30 years
    the low life expectancy shows how primitive their understanding was
  • 800

    suggested blood was the cause of many infectious diseases

    suggested blood was the cause of many infectious diseases
    theories of the cause of diseases
  • 910

    distinguished between smallpox and measles

    distinguished between smallpox and measles
    starting to differentiate between diseases
  • 1350

    rebirth of science of medicine

    rebirth of science of medicine
    many advances in medical science
  • 1511

    Michael Servetus- describes the circulatory system in the lungs

    Michael Servetus- describes the circulatory system in the lungs
    starting to understand bodily organs
  • successful blood transfusion on animals

    successful blood transfusion on animals
    one step closer to blood transfusions for humans
  • John Hunter- established scientific surgical procedures

    John Hunter- established scientific surgical procedures
    beginning of surgical procedures
  • Florence Nightingale- began the professional education of nurses

    Florence Nightingale- began the professional education of nurses
    formal education of the patient caretaker
  • Louis Pasteur- discovered that microorganisms cause disease

    Louis Pasteur- discovered that microorganisms cause disease
    finally know the cause of disease
  • Walter Reed demonstrated that mosquitoes carry yellow fever

    Walter Reed demonstrated that mosquitoes carry yellow fever
    discovery of vector-borne disease
  • Sir Alexander Fleming- discovered penicillin

    Sir Alexander Fleming- discovered penicillin
    discovery of infection-fighting antibiotic
  • first totally implanted artificial heart

    first totally implanted artificial heart
    major artificial organ successfully implanted
  • first face transplant

    first face transplant
    first successful face transplant