4000 BCE
Ancient Times 4000 BC-410 AD
Believed that disease and illness was caused by evil spirits and demons. Throughout the development of civilization, people began to study the human body and how it functions. -
3000 BCE
Ancient Times 3000 BC-300 BC
Ancient Egyptians were the first to keep health records. Records kept on stone by priests who also acted as physicians. -
1700 BCE
Ancient Times 1700 BC-220 AD
Ancient Chinese believed it was necessary to cure the spirit and nourish the body. Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, and massage still commonly used today. -
753 BCE
Romans 753 BC-410 AD
Disease connected to filth (contaminated water and poor sanitation). Developed sanitary systems -
460 BCE
Hippocrates 460-377 BC
One of the most important Greek physicians. Established that disease is caused by natural causes. Greeks also stressed that a good diet and proper hygiene would help prevent disease. -
The Dark Ages (400-800 AD)
The study of medicine stopped after the fall of the Roman Empire. People reverted back to living in unsanitary conditions and epidemics became rampant. -
Middle Ages 800-1400 AD
Monks translated the writings of the Roman and Greek physicians and recorded them and hand written books. Medical universities were created. Arabs required physicians to pass examinations and receive a license. -
The renaissance 1350-1650 AD
Able to see body organs and the connection of the systems. Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci drew accurate body drawings. Lifespan increased to 30-40 years. -
The 16th Century
Discoveries like blood circulation, fallopian tubes, and the eustachian tube, enabled other physicians to determine how the body functions. -
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Invented the microscope -
The 17th Century
Drug stores and pharmacies are coming about. The smallpox vaccine was developed. The average lifespan increased from 40-50 years. -
The 19th Century
This was the industrial revolution. Due to machinery and access to books, many advances were made in science. Florence Nightingale was the founder of modern nursing. There was a major development of infection control. -
The 19th Century
Many women were involved got involved in healthcare. Elizabeth Blackwell was the first female physician in the US. Dorothea Dix was the superintendent of female nurses in the army. Clara Barton sounded the American Red Cross. Many vaccines and medications were developed. -
The 20th Century
Most rapid growth in healthcare and x-rays were being used. Insulin antibiotics and more vaccines were developed. Physicians were able to cure patients because they knew how to treat the cause of a disease. -
James Watson and Francis Crick (1950’s)
Describe the structure of DNA and its ability to carry genetic information. This was a huge mile stone to understanding the human body. This discovery allowed research for gene therapy to cure inherited diseases. -
The 20th Century
Standards were developed to ensure everyone has access to quality healthcare. The first open heart surgery progressed to heart transplants. Surgical techniques provided cures a fatal conditions and infection control helped decrease surgical infections. Computer technology allowed medicine to develop faster than any other era. Lifespan increased from 60-80 years, with an occasional person living to be 100. -
The 21 Century
Potential for advances is unlimited. Embryonic stem cells in cloned cells research to cure diseases. There can be major threats to health care like bioterrorism, new viruses, and pandemics. COVID started in 2019