Why Asking for Help is Important
If you can't seem to get something right it doesn't mean that the person isn't good enough it just means they need an extra hand to help. Also giving assistance/help is just as important because you could be relieving that person unbearable stress just by helping out a little.(14/15) -
How I ask for Help
No one wants to be the kid that ask a question every two minutes but my dad always told me "close mouths don't get fed"(13) so when I'm confused in math(or any class) I usually will ask the teacher right away or after their done giving a lecture. Which will give them all the time to explain. -
Asking for Help
I've always been a shy kid so when it comes to asking for help I'll try to avoid as much as possible. As I've gotten older and into honor classes I realized if I'm confused I have to say something because the teachers will keep moving on. Which is something I had to work on all through middle school, which leads me to my math class. -
Asking for Help
Most people today don't want to ask for help because their either trying to be perfectionist or they have self-sufficient syndrome (13,14). This causes people to become stress under shorter amount of time because they expect everything to be perfect when they do it.