1940 BCE
the Jews were moved into ghettos
In 1940, the Jews were moved into ghettos; like Warsaw(the biggest one) where a lot of people died from starvation and disease (500,000 people) -
1938 BCE
Jew murdered a German diplomat in Paris.
jew murdered a German diplomat in Paris. After that there was rioting throughout Germany. Thousands of Jewish shops, houses and synagogues were smashed and thousands of Jews were arrested.
This was called the Night of the Broken Glass (Kristallnacht). Jews were sent to Concentration Camps or humiliated and mistreated in public. People believed the camps were work-camps where the
Jews would work for Germany, but, in fact, the Nazis tried to exterminate the Jewish race. -
1934 BCE
the arrest of Röhm
Hitler still had opposition. Ernst Röhm controlled
the SA (over 400.000 men). On the 30th June 1934, Hitler ordered to arrest Röhm and others. Several hundred people were killed. This was called the Night of the Long Knives. Röhm was shot the next day. When Hindenburg died, Hitler became Chancellor, President and Commander-in chief of the army. He was called Der Führer (the leader). Democracy was dead -
1933 BCE
new election
in January 1933 Hitler decided to call for another election (March 1933) hoping to make the Nazis stronger in the Reichstag (Parliament), and they did it well this time because:
They controlled the mass media.
Opposition meetings were banned.
They used the SA* to terrorise opponents. *SA: mil
itary force to protect the Nazi
leaders and harass their political opponent -
1933 BCE
The fire of Reichstag
A fire broke out in the Reichstag (February, 1933)
building, and Hitler blamed the communists. He used emergency
decrees against terrorists, so communists were arrested
and soon he declared the Communist party illegal. The
Enabling Bill let him govern for four years without a Parliament and made all other parties illegal. -
1932 BCE
The rise of the nazis
The Depression hit Germany deeply. By 1932 conditions were serious in Germany. Over five million people were unemployed and the country was desperate for a strong government. President Hindenburg called an election (April 1932) but did not get the majority. The new government still could not govern properly, and after the new elections (November 1932) Hindenburg offered Hitler the post of Chancellor (head of government) -
1923 BCE
hyperinflation of Germany
In 1923 Germany suffered a hyperinflation. This happens when production can ́t keep up with the amount of money there is, so money keeps losing its value. As result of this, prices could increase every day, middle classes lost their savings and the German market became worthles -
1923 BCE
new chancellor
In 1923 there was a new chancellor, called Stresemann, and Germany was starting to recover. The National Socialist German Worker ́s Party (Nazis), created by Adolf Hitler tried to take over Munich (Munich Putsh). They were defeated and Hitler went to prison for nine months. -
1922 BCE
Mussolini's men terrorised them and controlled the situation.
1922 BCE
Musolini makes a march towards rome
in the elections (1919 and 1921) he didn't get many votes but on 27th and 28th October 1922 Mussolini marched on Rome with his 30,000 Blackshirts in order to seize the power. -
1919 BCE
Creation of a republic
After the Great War a republic was set up in February 1919. It was a democratic government. The Weimar republic had many problems:
Thousands of people were poor and starving. The soc
iety was divided, they did not accept
losing the war and they thought that the conditions
of the Peace Treaties were very unfair
for Germany -
1919 BCE
Attempt to take berlin
in 1919, Communists tried to take over Berlin in the Spartacist Revolt, but they were defeated