Baby is born
Period: to
First year of life
First month
lifts chin when placed on stomach. -
second month
will try to sit up by self. -
Second month
lifts chest well above surface when placed on their stomach. -
Third month
Holds head up steadily and reaches for objects. -
Fourth month
Rolls from side to back and from back to side. -
Fifth month
sits alone briefly and uses hands to reach and grasp and bang. -
sixth month
turns completely over when laid on back or stomach. -
seventh month
sits up steadily and eats with fingers. -
eighth month
picks up large objects and pulls self up while holding on to furniture. -
Ninth month
more skillful with spoon and crawls on hands and knees. -
tenth month
walks when led and reaches for random objects. -
eleventh month
stands alone and may walk alone. -
twelve month
holds and drinks from a cup and picks up small objects.