Hazaly's Reading Journey

  • Learned Spanish

    Learned Spanish
    During this year I learned the alphabet in my native language, Spanish. Learning the alphabet is a big stepping stone to learn how to read.
  • School in America

    School in America
    In 2004, I began school in Nevada. I learned the alphabet in English. Learning the alphabet was hard for me because I would confuse it with the pronunciation in Spanish.
  • Interest in Books

    Interest in Books
    2007 was the year that my love for reading began. Junie B Jones and the Magic Tree House were some of my favorite series to read.
  • Reading Camp

    Reading Camp
    The summer of 2010 I attended a reading camp. We read a different book every week and would do cool activities relating to the book. As one of our activities, we went to see a Play at UNLV!
  • Honors/AP Classes

    Honors/AP Classes
    During the 8th grade, I began English Honors classes. We would read different books that would challenge me in many ways.
  • Maze Runner

    Maze Runner
    During the summer of 2014, I read all of the Maze Runner books. The movie was premiering that September so I wanted to compare the movie to the novel.
  • Last Honors Class

    Last Honors Class
    12th-grade English class was my favorite of them all. This was the year I was graduating so I was taking everything seriously. My English teacher said some very wise words on reading that I will always remember.
  • College Reading

    College Reading
    My first year of college was a tough one because of the different reading material. I really struggled to comprehend what was in the textbooks during this year. I have learned how to read textbooks in order to understand the material.
  • Passing the Baton

    Passing the Baton
    This year I have had the opportunity to begin a new job. I am in a place where I spend a lot of time with kids. I love reading to them and passing on the love for books that I have.