Beginning of the 8 hour work day
Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Union declares its goal of having eight hours constitute a day of work, to begin May 1st, 1886. -
May Day
Chicago unionists, reformers, socialists, anarchists, and ordinary workers combined to create a national movement for eight hours. -
McCormick Reaper Works
Fighting began at the McCormick Reaper Works in Chicago. At least 2 were killed. -
Haymarket Riot
Chicago’s Haymarket Square becomes a riot after someone throws a bomb at police -
Trial in Cook County
Trial in the criminal court of Cook county began -
Jury Verict
the jury reported its verdict guilty with death by hanging seven of the Haymarket Eight -
Execution date set
The execution date is set for December 3rd, 1886. -
Appealing the case
The defendents appealed the case to the Illinous Supreme Court who upheld the lower court's decision. -
Anarchist Leaders exexcuted
Samuel Fielden, Adolph Fischer, August Spies, and Albert Parson were executed. -
The 3 remaining Hapmarket defendants are pardoned by Governor John Peter Altgeld.