Haymarket Riot

  • Mass Meeting

    Mass Meeting
    There was a mass meeting that took place where they were talking about policemen killing and wounding many workers.
  • Ending Mass meeting

    Ending Mass meeting
    Once the mass meeting ended there were police that moved in to move the people from the square.
  • Bombing

    Once all the policemen were in the square someone threw a bomb into the crowd of policemen and the bomb blew up.
  • After the bombing

    After the bombing
    When the bomb exloded many of the towns members and police strarted firing at eachother.
  • Towns people thinking it was the police

    Towns people thinking it was the police
    The towns people were thinking that the policemen threw the bomb into the crowd.
  • Police thinking it was the towns people

    Police thinking it was the towns people
    The police thought that the towns people threw the bomb into them and ment to kill all of them.
  • Poeple dying

    Poeple dying
    Around eight people were killed from the bombing.
  • People being convicted

    People being convicted
    Eight people were convicted for being radical labor activists.
  • It being a setback

    It being a setback
    The Haymarket riot was a setback for the labor unions because they thought it was many people in the town that helped with the bombing.
  • Poeple that were radical labor activists

    Poeple that were radical labor activists
    Radical labor activists were thought of by the towns people were called martyrs.