Hawks bill sea turtle

Hawks Bill Sea Turtle

  • Discovery

    The Hawksbill sea turtle was discovered
  • Period: to

    Hawks Bill Sea Turtle

    Zach Carter, Garrett Turner
  • Declined

    The Hawksbill sea turtle started to decline from the hunting of their shells
  • Endangered

    The Hawksbill Sea turtles are added to the endangered species list.
  • Endangered species act

    Endangered species act
    The endangered species act 1973 had helped Hawksbill Sea turtles by stating that it is illegal to harm or an anyway interfere with a Sea turtle or it's eggs.
  • Captive breeding

    Captive breeding
    In northern Australia "Cites" a program started captive breeding for the Hawksbill sea turtle.
  • population

    there was estimated 21,000 to 28,000 hawksbill sea turtles