Hawaiian History Top 10

  • 1627 Spanish sailors arrived in Hawaii

    Importance: They were one of the first foreigners who arrived in Hawaiian Islands and they set a starting point of globalizing in Hawaii.
  • 1778 Captain Cook’s arrival

    Importance: As a result of visit, millions of visitors came and that wais also the beginning of the collapsion of Hawaiian culture.
  • 1800s More visitors arrived Hawaii by ships

    Importance: The visitors were from various foreign countries including U.S and European countries.Many Native Hawaiian died due to the diseases and the Hawaiian population were threatened.
  • 1794 Hawaiian received the protection from the Great Britain

    Importance: The state was under foreign countries’ control and the state sovereignty was losing. Hawaiian people lost their freedom and also their precious culture.
  • 1810 King Kamehameha managed in spreading control all over the Hawaiian Islands.

    Importance: Hawai unified as a nation and asked the international world to accept the existence of their nation. This was the beginning of Hawaiians realizing the significance of independent.
  • 1819 King Kamehameha died

    Importance: His son, Liholiho, became King Kamehameha II and abolished the local religion. This was an important change because the local culture were threatened once again by the rules of the new king.
  • 1821 Protestants arrived in Hawaii

    Importance: They began to teach the people there Christianity and succeed in turning many Hawaiian to Christianity. This was another turning points of the lost in Hawaiian culture.
  • 1901 Honolulu Pineapple Company (Dole) is established.

    Importance: The establishment of Dole represented the progress of Hawaiian economic system. Dole was among one of the earliest Hawaiian company, and it is now a great success. Dole gave the Hawaiians one more reason to be proud of their home.
  • December 7 1941, Attack on Pro Harbor

    Importance: The attack was devastating to the military facilities and caused many death of among the military population. United States declared war on Japan after the attack and then was officially involved in World War II.
  • August. 21, 1959 Hawaii became a part of U.S

    Importance: The new state of U.S brought lots of benefits to the national area, military, diversity and so on. Hawaiian economic and overall living condition began to improve.