Hawaiian History: Overthrow of Hawaii

  • David Kalakaua becomes candidate to the throne.

    David Kalakaua becomes candidate to the throne.
    The brother of Queen Lili'uokalani, King David Kalakaua, had taken place to the throne.
  • Reciprocity Treaty

    Reciprocity Treaty
    The Reciprocity Treaty allowed Hawaiian sugar plantations to transport and sell sugar to the U.S. without having to pay a fee, duties, or taxes for it to get in. Because of this, investments in Hawaiian sugar plantations became larger and larger.
  • Bayonet Constitution

    Bayonet Constitution
    The bayonet constitution has it’s name because that day, King Kalakaua was being held at gunpoint to sign a constitution that was written and imposed by Lorrin A. Thurston, with a bayonet held to his throat. Signing the constitution led to the monarchy losing power and Americans gaining power without Hawaiian citizenship.
  • McKinley Tariff

    McKinley Tariff
    The McKinley Tariff had eliminated Hawaiian sugar growers tax-free sugar status and had led their sugar to being undersold in America's markets.
  • Queen Lili'uokalani takes over the throne

    Queen Lili'uokalani takes over the throne
    King David Kalakaua had died, Bright's disease took his life, Liliuokalani was heartbroken as she took the throne. Even though she had lots of death threats, Queen Liliuokalani was determined to restore power to her people.
  • The Missionaries

    The Missionaries
    160+ U.S marines went to the palace and the "Committee of Safety" kicked out Queen Liliuokalani from the office. Liliuokalani's supporters tried to oppose a revolution but instead got put in jail/death. The Republicans forced Liliuokalani to sign a form that claimed to give up her throne completely and they imprisoned her in Iolani palace.
  • Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii

    Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii
    Queen Liliuokalani had attempted to create a new constitution that would strengthen the power of the monarchy; this had happened because of the Bayonet Constitution.
  • Republic Annexation Treaty

    Republic Annexation Treaty
    Once Queen Liliuokalani was released from being held on house arrest, she traveled to Washington, D.C. with Hawaiian nationalists where they successfully convinced the Congress to halt the Republic annexation treaty.
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    Since the Spanish American war had begun, President McKinley had seen Hawai'i as a good military base. He had declared it U.S. territory, broken international law, and disappointing queen Lilioukalani and her people.