Polynesians start to settle in Hawaii. 200-1200
Polynesians start to settle in Hawaii. Between 200-500 polynesians from the Marquesas Islands come to Hawaii. From 500-1200 polynesians from Tahiti arrive. -
Foreigners begin to come and spread sickness and disease that Hawaiian were never exposed to. This kills off many Hawaiian people
King Kamehameha united all the Hawaiian islands
Christianity is brought to Hawaii by missionaries
The first sugar plantation is established on Kauai Island By the 1840s, sugarcane plantations gained a foothold in Hawaiian agriculture.
Honolulu is declared as the capital of Hawaii and still remains the capital.
Hawaii became a territory of the United States
The Hawaiian Pineapple Company (now dole) is formed
Japan bombed pearl harbor, causing the U.S. to engage in WW2
Hawaii finally becomes a state of the United States of America