Hawaii timeline pd1

  • The Reciprocity Treaty

    The Reciprocity Treaty
    The Reciprocity Treaty is about the sugar plantations. After the prices went up and down after The Alien Land Ownership Act and The Civil War, The Reciprocity of Treaty had been signed and this allowed Hawaii to sell sugar to the US without paying duties or taxes. This made the money income go up again and this led to Americans making big investments on the sugar plantations. The Reciprocity treaty involved businessmen/Americans, The king of the Hawaiian islands, and the USA.
  • The Bayonet Constitution

    The Bayonet Constitution
    The Bayonet Constitution is about the US government wanting access to the Pearl Harbor for a coaling and repair station for the use of vessels but the king had not granted them access. Therefore this had triggered a group of missionaries, Americans, and businessmen who called themselves the Hawaiian League to force King Kalakaua to sign the Bayonet Constitution by using a gun to his throat. The bayonet made important revisions since the last constitution.
  • The McKinley Tariff Act

    The McKinley Tariff Act
    The McKinley Tariff Act made a turning point between the US and Hawaii in 1890.The act had taken away Hawaii's tax free sugar trading status.The US sugar growers prices dropped so they were making more money than the Hawaii and other country sugar growers. This act had the Hawaiian sugar prices drop by 40% and the leader of the Hawaiian League was trying to annex Hawaii but didn't because if he did then the tariff would disappear and Hawaii wouldn't be a foreign country.
  • King Kalakaua's Passing And The Queen Takes Over

    King Kalakaua's Passing And The Queen Takes Over
    On January 20 of 1891, King Kalakaua had passed away from a fatal kidney disease.The throne was passed down to his sister, Queen Liliuokalani. She was the only queen to reign in the Hawaiian kingdom. Her reign lasted a total of two years and between those years a lot had happened because she was despised by a group that called themselves the Committee of Safety, 13 Caucasian businessmen and lawyers.
  • The Queens New Constitution

    The Queens New Constitution
    Queen Liliuokalani took over and privately started to make new constitutions. Her intentions were to restore the powers of the Hawaiian monarchy. She took away privileges from the European and American residents. She also made it where she had to sign all of the bills before they became laws.
  • Hawaii is being annexed by the US

    Hawaii is being annexed by the US
    On July 7 of 1898, The Newlands Resolution had been signed into law by President McKinley. Hawaii was now annexed by the U.S. Sanford Dole became the first governor of the territory of Hawaii. This extended U.S territory into the Pacific. Britain and France forced Hawaii to accept treaties. Daniel Webster sent a letter about affirming the U.S interests of Hawaii and opposing annexation by any other country. Hawaii became territory in 1900.
  • Hotel named after Queen Liliuokalani

    Hotel named after Queen Liliuokalani
    In March 1901 they made the first Waikiki hotel, the Moana hotel. The resort was named “The first lady of Waikiki” after Queen Liliuokalani. Oliver G. Traphagen is the architect who designed the building.The hotel is a four story building that has outdoor lanais. It is influenced by European styles.
  • The attack on Pearl Harbor

    The attack on Pearl Harbor
    On December 7 of 1941 around 8:00 am the Japanese launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Oahu War II. They had planes above Pearl Harbor and started dropping bombs and vessels. A 1,800 pound bomb dropped and it exploded and sank a ship with more than 1000 men trapped in it. The attack lasted 2 hours.
  • Hawaii becomes the 50th state

    Hawaii becomes the 50th state
    August 21 of 1959, The population believed they should have their own say in who they vote for and they wanted to elect their own governor. This ended with more than 93% of the voters approving that Hawaii should be admitted as a state.