Period: to
History of Hawaii
13 colonies declare independence from England;Revolutionary War begins
James Cook Discovers Hawaii
King Kamehamha Unites All the Islands as the Kingdom of Hawaii
Hawaii State Flag Adopted
The First Protestant Missionaries Arrive in Hawaii
Hawaiians Write Their Own Constitution
Sugar Plantations Become Big Business on the Islands
The U.S. Civil War begins
King David Kalakaua is the First Ruling Monarch to Visit the United States
The Republic of Hawaii is Established
Hawaii Becomes a Possesion of the United States
First successful flight;Wright brothers;Kitty Hawk North Carolina
Pearl Harbor is Attacked by Japenese Bombers
American TV broadcasting begins
Hawaii becomes the 50th State of America
First man lands on the moon
President Bill Clinton Signs the Apology Resolution, Apologizing for the U.S. Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii
Terrorists attack in NYC and Washington D.C. (9/11)