Kamehameha I is born
Kamehameha I is born on the island of Hawai'i -
Captain James Cook lands on Kauai
Captain James Cook is the first European to discover the islands of Hawaii. -
Captain James Cook is Killed
Cqptai James Cook is killed by villagers of the island of Hawai'i -
Kingdom of Hawaii Established
With the conquest of the islands of Hawaii, Oahu, and Maui. The Kingdom was established under King Kamehameha I as absolute monarch. -
Kamehameha II is born
Kamehameha II is born in Hilo, Hawai'i. With a birthname of Liholiho. -
Unification of the Hawaiian Islands
With the peacful surrender of the island of Kauaʻi to Kamehameha's Kingdom. The islands of Hawaii were finally unified under one bannar. -
Kamehameha III is born
With the birth name of Kauikeaouli. Kamehameha III is born on the island of Hawai'i -
Breaking of the Kapu
The legal system, called Kapu, that has govern the Hawaiian islands for hundrads of years is abolished by King Kamehameha II. -
Kamehameha II begins voyage to London
Desiring greater diplomatic ties with the British Empire. King Kamehameha II and Queen Kamāmalu travel to Lodon on the L'Aigle. -
King Kamehameha II dies of measles
King Kamehameha along with Queen Kamāmalu die of measles in Lodon, England. -
Catholism declared legal
In the months before July of 1839, Catholics were persecuted in the Kingdom of Hawai'i under a protistant government. The French frigate Artémise threatened war against the Hawaiian people until Catholism was declared legal in Hawaii. King Kamehameha III signed the Edict of Toleration on July 17, 1839 declaring Catholism a legal practice in Hawaii. -
Constitution of 1840
The constituion of 1840 was enacted on October 8, 1840. This constitution declared Christianity as the state religion, created a legislature with representatives elected by the Hawaiian people, and established the rule of law. -
Paulet Affair
Captain Paulet demanded the surrender of the Hawaiian islands to the British Empire; under the suspition that British subjects are being denied their legal rights in Hawaii. King Kamehameha III surrendered. However, Paulet's commending officer, seing no evidence of the oppression of British subjecs, restored Hawaiian Soverenty -
Hawaiian soverenty achieved
Through the Anglo-Franco Proclamation. The British Empire and the French Republic formally reconized the soverenty of the Hawaiian Kingdom. -
King Kamehameha III dies
King Kamehameha III dies of natural causes. -
Bayonet Constitution
On June 30, 1887 a small group of rebels from the Hawaiian Legue force King Kalākaua of Hawaii to disband his cabnet and imposed the Bayonet Constitution. -
Coup d'état
Group of mostly United States citizens overthrow Queen Lili'uokalani. This coup d'état is backed by the U.S. Marrine Core under John L. Stevens. The coup was the first step for the full anexation of the Hawaiian islands under the United States. -
Anexation of the Hawiian Islands as U.S. Teritory
The United States Navy formally annexed the Kingdom of Hawaii into an United States Territory.