

  • Period: 200 to 500

    First Polynesian arrive in Hawai'i

    Most polonaises that where settling in Hawaii where migrated from northwest from the Marquesas Islands between the 4th and 7th centuries
  • Period: to

    King Kamehameha is born

    He was born in 1734
  • Period: to

    Captain Cook anchors in Waimea Bay

    Off the island of Kaua'i
  • Period: to

    Kamehameha completes his conquest of Hawai'i's main islands

  • Period: to

    First Protestant missionaries arrive from New England

  • Period: to

    King Kalakaua III grants the Kingdom of Hawai'i's first constitution

  • Period: to

    The capital of the Hawai'ian Kingdom is moved to Honolulu

  • Period: to

    The Royal Hawai'ian Band is organized

  • Period: to

    King Kalakaua grants the United States exclusive rights to use Pearl Harbor as a naval base

  • Period: to

    Queen Lili'uokalani is deposed by an American-led coup

  • Period: to

    The independent Republic of Hawai'i is formed

  • Period: to

    The United States annexes Hawai'i

  • Period: to

    First transpacific telegraph cable links California and Hawai'i

  • Period: to

    First airplane flight is made from the United States to Hawai'i

  • Period: to

    Japanese fighter planes bomb Pearl Harbor; the United States enters World war II

  • Period: to

    Hawai'i enters the Union as the 50th state

  • Period: to

    Hawai'i's fist native Hawai'ian governor, John Waihe'e, is elected

  • Period: to

    President Bill Clinton and Congress apologize to Hawai'i on the 100th anniversary of the overthrow of Queen Lili'uokalani

  • Period: to

    Hawai'i enters the 21st century!!