Hatchet Timeline-Vlcek

  • mom gives hatchet

    mom gives hatchet
    Brian's mom wants him to have it for when he's in the woods.
  • Brian leaves New York in a small plane

    Brian leaves New York  in a small plane
    Brian leaves New York with an old man in a small cessna plane.
  • The Secret

    The Secret
    Brian is thinking about his mom kissing the other guy.
  • The Crash

    The Crash
    At this time brian was stuggling to keep the plane flying after the pilot had suffered a massive heartattack and passed away. Now the plane has run out of gasoline and has crashed in to the lake and is submerging under the water.
  • Brian has a concussion

    Brian has a concussion
    After the crash brian had a concussion and fell asleep for the whole day
  • Brian drinks from the lake

    Brian drinks from the lake
    Brian is thirsty after passing out in the sun all day and drinks from the dirty lake water.
  • The mosquitoes

    The mosquitoes
    When brian wakes up from his concussion and the sun starts to come up Mosquitoes and flies swarm him.
  • Brian builds a shelter

    Brian builds a shelter
    Brian decides he needs to build a shelter for himself.
  • Brian finds food

    Brian finds food
    Brian finds the Gut Cherries
  • Raspberries

    Brian finds Raspberries
  • The Bear

    The Bear
    Brian is picking the raspberries he found and he sees a bear and runs, but comes back later after he reallizes the bear was eating berries and had no intrest in him.
  • The Porcuepine

    The Porcuepine
    Brian wakes up and hears something in his shelter, he screams and it attacks him making him throw the hatchet at the unknown visitior, that he figures was a porcupine when it stabs his leg with several tail quils.
  • Idea For Fire

    Idea For Fire
    When brian throws the hatchet at the porcuepine it sparks, and gives brian the idea to make a fire with the hatchet.
  • Turtle eggs

    Turtle eggs
    Brian wakes up from a rasping noise, he is lucky beause he is able to save the fire from going out and knows where to look for turtle eggs in the morning
  • The Fire

    The Fire
    Brian makes a fire
  • The First Feast Day

    The First Feast Day
    Brian has his first feast day with fish.
  • The Missed Plane

    The Missed Plane
    Brian hears a search plane just in time to see it leave.
  • The Cutting

    The Cutting
    Brian wants to die because he thinks he will never be found.
  • The Wolf

    The Wolf
    Brian goes to the raspberry patch and sees a mother bear and cubs, he turns around and see three wolves run by.
  • The Fool Bird

    The Fool Bird
    Brian catches a fool bird
  • The Moose

    The Moose
    Brian is attacked by the moose while washing his fool bird.
  • The Rescue

    The Rescue
    Brian activates the Emergency Transmitter and a plane saves him.