Hatchet TimeLine - Ricchetti

By Ragman
  • The Secert

    The Secert
    The Sercet Brians mom kissing a strange man.
  • The Crash

    The Crash
    The plane that crashed into the Canadian Wilderness.
  • Pilot has a heart attack

    Pilot has a heart attack
    The pilot has a heart attack when flying the airplane.
  • Brian wakes up

    Brian wakes up
    Brian wakes up at plane crashes into lake.
  • Brian finds food

    Brian finds food
    Brian find berries he call gut cherries.
  • The Shelter

    The Shelter
    Brian makes shelter to protect him for the wild.
  • The Bear

    The Bear
    Brian runs into a bear picking rasberries.
  • The Porcupine

    The Porcupine
    A porcupine goes in his hut and puts needles in his leg.
  • The Fire

    The Fire
    Brain makes fire with his hatchet.
  • Brian gets skunk on him

    Brian gets skunk on him
    Brian gets skunk smell all over him.
  • A palne flies over Brian

    A palne flies over Brian
    Brian is getting more food and a plane flies over and they don't see him.
  • Brian cuts himself

    Brian cuts himself
    Brian cuts himself with his hatchet on his arm.
  • The First Feast Day

    The First Feast Day
    Brain eats about 20 fish on his feast day.
  • 47 days

    47 days
    47 days after the plane crashed.
  • The Moose

    The Moose
    Brian was washing off the foolbird and his hand when a female moose attacked him.
  • Tornado

    Brian is hit by a tornado at night.
  • The Foolbird

    The Foolbird
    Brian kills his first foolbird.
  • Brian gets the survival pack

    Brian gets the survival pack
    Brian gets the survival pack from the plane.
  • Brian goes to the plane with his boat

    Brian goes to the plane with his boat
    Brian makes a boat to go to the plane to get the suvival kit.
  • The Second Feast

    The Second Feast
    Brian makes a feast with all the freeze dried food
  • Brian is saved

    Brian is saved
    Brian is saved by a rescue pilot after 54 four days in the wilderness.