Harry truman

Harry S. Truman RL

  • Harry Truman birth date

    Harry Truman birth date
  • National Guard

    National Guard
    Truman enlisted for the national guard at age 33
  • Becoming President

    Becoming President
    He became president when Franklin Delano Roosevelt died
  • Potsdam conference

    Potsdam conference
    A meeting with all the people in the major country's demanding that some country need to surrender
  • Surrender

    Germany surrenders in World War 2
  • Atomic Bomb is dropped

    Atomic Bomb is dropped
    Harry Truman dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima which ended WWII but it also kickstarted the Cold War
  • Nagasaki

    America drops a bomb on Nagasaki Japan
  • Japan surrenders

    Japan surrenders
    Japan surrenders which ended World War II in Asia
  • Truman's 21 point plan

    Truman's 21 point plan
    Every individual has a right to expect fair deals from the government
  • The making of the CIA

    The making of the CIA
    Harry Truman made the CIA to plan, develop, and coordinate all federal foreign intelligence activities
  • Employment act of 1946

    Employment act of 1946
    Truman signs the Employment act of 1946 which helped the employment process
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    Truman give the famous "Truman Doctrine" speech
  • Federal Employee Loyalty program

    Federal Employee Loyalty program
    Truman creates the Federal Employee Loyalty Program which helped get rid of communist influence in the government
  • "Truman Doctrine"

    "Truman Doctrine"
    Truman signs the "Truman Doctrine"
  • Jackie Robinson

    Jackie Robinson
    Jackie Robinson integrates into baseball to play his first game
  • Taft Hartley Act vetoed

    Taft Hartley Act vetoed
    Truman vetoed the Taft Hartley Act
  • National Security Act

    National Security Act
    He passes the National Security act, creating the National Security Council
  • Give 'em hell Harry

    Give 'em hell Harry
    He got this nickname from the 1948 presidential election campaign when he was attacking the republicans, during the speech a report yelled out "give 'em hell Harry" Truman replied by saying "I don't give them hell."
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    Helps western Europe with needed supplies after World War 2
  • Foreign assistance act of 1948

    Foreign assistance act of 1948
    Truman signed the foreign assistance act of 1948
  • 1949 election

    1949 election
    The democratic nominates Harry Truman for a second term
  • Election

    Truman is elected for his second term
  • 2nd term

    2nd term
    Truman is inaugurated to his second term in office
  • Soviets end the blockade in berlin

    Soviets end the blockade in berlin
  • Housing Act

    Housing Act
    Truman signs the Housing Act which creates equal opportunities to buy houses
  • The Soviets Create there First Atomic Bomb

    The Soviets Create there First Atomic Bomb
  • Congress Raises the Minimum Wage

    Congress Raises the Minimum Wage
  • H-bomb

    Truman announces that America will develop a hydrogen bomb
  • Revenue act of 1950

    Revenue act of 1950
    It reduced some of the individual income taxes
  • Mutual Security Act

    Mutual Security Act
    Helps poor country's from the spread of communism