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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone

  • 1 Harry dropped at Dursley’s doorstep by Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall.

    1	Harry dropped at Dursley’s doorstep by Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall.
    Harry was dropped off at the Dursley's house (even though they know that the Dursleys are horrible) because his parents were killed and the Dursleys were his only family! That really sucks for Harry because he was just a baby and had no choice! The saddest part is that he had to stay there for 11 years!
  • 2 At zoo, Harry accidentally released a python by subconscious magic after Dudley violently pushes Harry out of the way.

    2	At zoo, Harry accidentally released a python by subconscious magic after Dudley violently pushes Harry out of the way.
    What happened was Harry was talking to a snake (NEW POWER), Dudley thought that the snake was FINALLY doing something and knocked Harry out of the way to see! Harry then raged and accidentaly let the snake out with magic! This is not Harry's first encounter with magic! His first encounter with magic was when some of Dudley's henchmen are chasing Harry and he magically floats up onto the roof!
  • 3 Rubius Hagrid comes in, and personally delivers an admission letter from Hogwarts to Harry. Harry Accepts.

    3	Rubius Hagrid comes in, and personally delivers an admission letter  from Hogwarts to Harry. Harry Accepts.
    Harry has been getting letters about Hogwarts for a while, but the Dursleys keep destroying them! They get TOO many letters, so they move to a hotel! They are still getting letters, so they move to a little shack in the lake/pond! They think they are safe from letters there, but they were sooooooo wrong...
  • 4 Hagrid explains how Harry’s parents were killed.

    4	Hagrid explains how Harry’s parents were killed.
    Voldemort broke into Harry's house. For some reason, the Potters had not used their wands. It ended with Mr. & Mrs. Potter being dead, Harry being alive because of his mother, and Voldemort disappearing!
  • 5 Harry goes to Diagon alley and has his first encounter with the wizarding world.

    5	Harry goes to Diagon alley and has his first encounter with the wizarding world.
    I was surprised that Harry didn't pass out with excitement! It's like if you were born in Japan but taken away to India! You would be so excited to see your culture! Also, this is where Harry gets his wand and the conection between his wand and Voldemort's is revealed! They meet Quirrell (Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher for this year) as well.
  • 6 Harry takes the Hogwarts express where he meets Ron and Hermione.

    6	Harry takes the Hogwarts express where he meets Ron and Hermione.
    On the hogwarts express, Harry befriends Ron immediately, notices that Ron is poor, and buys them TONS of treats! However, they have more of a rough start with Hermione. Hermione gets angery at Ron for not performing a real spell!
  • 7 Harry is sorted into Gryffendor.

    7	Harry is sorted into Gryffendor.
    Harry REALLY does not want to be in Slytherin, and when Ron is sorted into Griffendor, Harry has decided that he wants to be in Gryffendor too. Hermione was also sorted into Gryffendor. I was surprised that Hermione was not sorted into Ravenclaw, the house that is for the smartest, because Hermione is REALLY smart.
  • 8 Harry, Ron, and Hermione discover a trap door guarded by a three headed dog named Fluffy.

    8	Harry, Ron, and Hermione discover a trap door guarded by a three headed dog named Fluffy.
    While they were being sorted, Dumbledore told the students that the third floor coridor on the right hand side is off limits that year. Well, Guess where Harry, Ron, and Hermione are now? THE PLACE THAT THEY WERE TOLD NOT TO GO TO!!! They are there because they are running away from Filch, the caretaker at Hogwarts. They also noticed a trap door under Fluffy's foot.
  • 9 Harry and Ron battle and defeat a troll in defense of Hermione

    9	Harry and Ron battle and defeat a troll in defense of Hermione
    This is where they become friends! Hermione hears Ron insult her so she runs off and hides in the girl's bathroom. A troll comes into Hogwarts and starts attacking! Harry and Ron take down the troll and save Hermione! Hermione then said it was her fault.
  • 10 Harry is almost cursed off his broom in a quidditch match.

    10       Harry is almost cursed off his broom in a quidditch match.
    It's Harry's first quidditch match! Too bad someone is cursing his broom! Hermione thinks it's Snape so she goes to stop him! But it's not snape... (The curse was stopped though)
  • 11 Harry gets an invisibility cloak for Christmas!

    11       Harry gets an invisibility cloak for Christmas!
    This becomes very important! They don't know who it's from though because the card didn't say. Also, Harry wasn't expecting presents because he never got any at the Dursleys. However, this year, the Dursleys sent him a fifty-pence piece! (LAME)
  • 12 Harry finds “The Mirror of Erised”.

    12       Harry finds “The Mirror of Erised”.
    The Mirror of Erised shows you as the happiest person ever! Why? Because it shows you with what you desire most! You can't see what others see though...
  • 13 Harry figures out that the Philosopher’s Stone is under the trap door guarded by fluffy.

    13       Harry figures out that the Philosopher’s Stone is under the trap door guarded by fluffy.
    This is why Dumbledore said not to go into that door! Because it houses the one object that was being protected for the whole year!
    Harry and his friends think that Snape is trying to steal it! So they decide to go down the trap door...
  • 14 Harry, Ron, and Hermione get sent to the Forbidden Forest for detention.

    14       Harry, Ron, and Hermione get sent to the Forbidden Forest for detention.
    A quick side story: Hagrid has a dragon, but they need to send it to one of Ron's brothers who is in Romania studying dragons. Basically, they forgot the ivisibility cloak and got detention for being outside after hours. Malfoy caught them, but then he got detention too! For detention, they had to go into the Forbiden Forest. In there, there was this guy who was drinking unicorn blood. Then they were scared (I think Malfoy sprung a leak) and they had to go back.
  • 15 Harry, Ron, and Hermione go through the trap door to stop Snape from stealing the Philosopher’s Stone.

    15       Harry, Ron, and Hermione go through the trap door to stop Snape from stealing the Philosopher’s Stone.
    When they go through, there are some challenges in the way. The first room is filled with a plant called Devil's Snare. You have to stay calm or summon heat to get past it. The next room is a bunch of flying keys. Harry flys to grab the right key while the other hundred try to attack him! Good thing he's EXTREMELY good at flying on a broomstick! Next is life size wizerd's chess. Ron is very good at this game and takes charge. In the end of the game Ron's piece died. Then the potions. 1/7 good.
  • 16 Harry arrives to find that it is actually Voldemort controlling Quirrell with his spirit to get the Philosopher’s Stone!

    16       Harry arrives to find that it is actually Voldemort controlling Quirrell with his spirit to get the Philosopher’s Stone!
    Quirrell was actualy a bad guy all along! Anyway, Voldemort found a way to control Quirrell so he could get the Philosopher's Stone to come back to life! Harry defeats him by just touching Quirrell's face! Quirrell disintegrates, Harry gets the stone, and Voldemort's soul escapes! Harry passes out and wakes up in the hospital!
  • 17 It ends with everyone being safe and Dumbledore explaining everything!

    17       It ends with everyone being safe and Dumbledore explaining everything!
    Harry was able to kill Quirrell so easily because his mother sacrificed herself for him! YAY! Griffendor also wins the house cup and it's a great end to the year!
    I really liked this book because it had adventure, mystery, and suspence, which kept me reading. A question is, if Harry got SOOO many letters in the begining, why was it so hard to just pick one off the ground, lock himsellf in his cubord, and read it?!