
Harry Potter and the cursed child

  • Platform nine and three-quarters

    Platform nine and three-quarters
    Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley are sending their kids James Potter and Albus Potter of to the "Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry". This is the first school year for Albus.
    Simultaneously Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley are sending their daughter Rose off to Hogwarts for the first time.
  • The Hogwarts express

    The Hogwarts express
    Albus meets the son of Draco Malfoy on the train, and they quickly become unlikely friends. Rose warns Albus about Scorpius and mentions the rumor about him. Even though all time turners were destroyed by the ministry after the battle of Hogwarts, the rumor states that Draco Malfoy used a time turner to send his wife back in time to give him a powerful child. Therefore Scorpius is rumored to be the son of Voldemort.
  • The sorting ceremony

    The sorting ceremony
    The sorting hat places Rose in Gryffindor and Scorpius in Slytherin. Albus is sorted in to Slytherin. This causes a lot of surprise amongst the other students, no one can believe that the son of the world famous Gryffindor Harry Potter is a Slytherin. Scorpius is very pleased with being in the same house as his new friend Albus.
  • The time turner

    The time turner
    Harry and Hermione are in Harry´s office. They talk about the news that Harry and his department recently found and seized a time turner.
  • Amos Diggory

    Amos Diggory
    Albus is on break from school and overhears a conversation between his father, Harry and a man called Amos Diggory. Amos Diggory blames Harry for the murder of his son Cedric, whom Voldemort killed all those years ago during the triwizard tournament. He has heard a rumor about the ministry seizing a time turner, and he wants it so that he can go back and save his son´s life. Harry denies the rumor and the request. Meanwhile a woman named Delphi introduces herself as the niece of Amos to Albus.
  • The scar

    The scar
    Harry has an argument with Albus the day before he leaves for his fourth year at Hogwarts. Albus does not want to go because he is bullied for his friendship with Scorpius and being in Slytherin. Harry manages to say "There are times I wish you weren't my son". The relationship has never been worse. The following night, Harry has a nightmare about his childhood and Voldemort. He wakes up with an intense pain in his scar, the last time it hurt was 22 years ago, when Voldemort died.
  • Delphi

    Albus is sitting on the train to Hogwarts with Scorpius. He tells Scorpius about Amos Diggory and the death of his son Cedric. He persuades Scorpius to jump of the train with him. They travel to the nursing home Amos is staying in and tells him and Delphi that they are going to steal the time turner from the ministry of Magic and go back in time to save his son. Delphi offers to help them.
    Meanwhile Harry, Ginny and Draco are really concerned, they just found out that their children are missing.
  • Triwizard tournament, 1994

    Triwizard tournament, 1994
    Albus, Scorpius and Delphi manages to steal the time turner from the ministry of magic. They are now in the forbidden forest, dressed up as Durmstrang students. They use the time turner and go back in time to the triwizard tournament in 1994. They follow the mass of pupils to the first task were Cedric Diggory is battling a dragon. Albus charms Cedric so that he looses the task and they travel back to present time hoping that Cedric will be alive.
  • Second try

    Second try
    Cedric is still dead in the present, but they altered history in other ways. Albus is in Gryffindor, Hermione is now a teacher instead of minister of magic and she´s not married to Ron. This also means that Rose does not exist.
    After a while the boys decides to go back in time and fix history. This time they prevent themselves from ruining the first task, and makes Cedric loose the second task instead by turning him in to a ballon and humiliating him so that he drops out of the tournament.
  • A dark outcome

    A dark outcome
    When returning to the present, Scorpius is alone. Because they humiliated Cedric in front of the entire school, he became a death eater. Scorpius finds himself in a world were Voldemort survived and Harry Potter died in the battle of Hogwarts, which means that Albus doesn't exist either. Dolores Umbridge is the principal and his father, Draco is the head of magical law enforcement. Scorpius is the most popular boy in school. He also finds that Severus Snape is alive, and a teacher.
  • Fixing history

    Fixing history
    Scorpius explains the situation to Snape who leads him to Ron and Hermione. They are alive and rebelling Voldemort. Scorpius tells them about his world, and they all go back in time. This time they prevent Scorpius and Albus from altering history in any way. Scorpius returns to the present. Albus is standing next to him in the forbidden forest were it all started, but so is his Draco, Harry, Ginny and professor Mcgonagall. The two boys are in big trouble.
  • Destroying the time turner

    Destroying the time turner
    Scorpius and Albus decides to destroy the time turner together with Delphi whom Albus has been exchanging letters with. She breaks their wands and tells Scorpius and Albus that she only used them to create a future were Voldemort survived. She takes the time turner and goes back in time to the third task in the triwizard tournament. She wants to alter history again, and help Voldemort survive. Albus and Scorpius manages to stop her, but she takes the time turner and travels back in time again.
  • Godric´s hollow 1981

    Godric´s hollow 1981
    The time turner stops and Scorpius and Albus is now in 1981 on the day Harry´s parents died. They figure out Delphi´s plan, which is to warn Voldemort about killing Harry´s parents. That way Voldemort never fulfills the prophecy which leads to his death later on. They travel to Godric´s Hollow, the place were Harry´s parents were killed.
  • Hello darkness my old friend

    Hello darkness my old friend
    Harry, Draco, Ron, Hermione and Ginny all pay a visit to Amos Diggory when they find out that Albus and Scorpius have gone missing again. They find out that Amos never had a niece, and that Delphi used a confounds charm on Amos to make him believe they were related. They search Delphi´s room and find a prophecy that leads to the realization that Delphi is the daughter of Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange.
  • A message

    A message
    Albus manages to send a message to Harry in the present, were he writes were and when he is in time. Draco had secretly kept a time turner that his dad gave him all this time. Draco, Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny all go back in time to rescue Albus and Scorpius using Draco´s time turner.
  • The ending

    The ending
    By now everyone is informed that Delphi is Voldemort´s daughter. They come up with a plan to capture her and put her in the wizard jail "Azkaban" when they return. Harry drinks polyjuice potion to look like Voldemort. Harry manages to trick Delphi at first, but then she realizes that he is not her father, she attacks but Harry and the other win the battle. The real Voldemort then appears and Harry has to stand and watch while he kills his parents. Then they travel back to the present.