
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

  • Chapter One - The Worst Birthday

    Chapter One - The Worst Birthday
    When Harry entered his room, he found Dobby sitting in his bed.
  • Chapter Two - Dobby's Warning

    Chapter Two - Dobby's Warning
    Harry Potter got a letter from the Ministry of Magic accusing him of using magic as an underage wizard and the Dursley's took that to their advantage and locked him inside his room.
  • Chapter Three - The Burrow

    Chapter Three - The Burrow
    After a rocky ride in a flying car, Harry finally got to see his friend's house, The Burrow.
  • Chapter Four - At Flourish and Blotts

    Chapter Four - At Flourish and Blotts
    Harry met Gilderoy Lockheart, whom he learned is the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.
  • Chapter Five - The Whomping Willow

    Chapter Five - The Whomping Willow
    Harry and Ron are running late, but as they charge towards platform 9 3/4, they crashed and it didn't let them pass through.