Harry Potter

  • J.K. Rowling

    J.K. Rowling
    She is the writer of Harry Potter's saga.
  • Harry Potter and thePhilosopher's Stone (BOOK)

    Harry Potter and thePhilosopher's Stone (BOOK)
    This was the first book created by J.K Rowling.
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (BOOK)

    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (BOOK)
    This is the second book about Harry and his friends, he discovered Lord Voldemort diary.
  • Harry Potter and the Azkaban Prisioner (BOOK)

    Harry Potter and the Azkaban Prisioner (BOOK)
    In this book Harry met his godfather Sirius Black and he discovered dementors.
  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone (FILM)

    Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone (FILM)
    This is the fist film of Harry Potter.
  • Harry Potter and the Phoenix's Order (BOOK)

    Harry Potter and the Phoenix's Order (BOOK)
    In this book, at Howarts Harry created the Dumbledore's army:
  • Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (BOOK)

    Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (BOOK)
    In this book Harry found a book of a half blood prince who was very clever.
    In the book, Harry went to a mistery cave with Dumbledore and something happened…
  • Harry Potter and the Triwizards Tournaments (FILM)

    Harry Potter and the Triwizards Tournaments (FILM)
    In this movie, Harry participated in a three wizard tournament, with the exclusivity that there were four.
    This was the results:
    Viktor Krum (Durmstrang)
    4° 40+40+25=105
    Fleur Delacour (Beauxbatons)
    3° 39+25+45=109
    Cedric Diggory (Hogwarts)RIP
    2° 38+47+50=135
    Harry Potter (Hogwarts) WINNER
    1º 40+45+50=135
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (BOOK)

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (BOOK)
    In this book, Harry, Hermione and Ron, escaped from mortyfagos and they participated in the Hogwarts war.
    In this film, they discobered who is the sr. Dead and the final war between Harry and Lord Voldemort.
    Died lots of people.
  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (BOOK)

    Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (BOOK)
    This book is about the life of Albus Severus Potter and his best friend, Scorpius Malfoy.