Harry Potter And the sorcerers stone

  • Harry is born

    James and Lilly Potter have a baby named harry
  • Harrys parents die

    Voldemort kills Harry's parents. Harrys mom tried to protect Harry but Harry survives and Voldemort disappears.
  • Harry goes to live with the dursleys

    Harry is dropped off at the Dursleys by Dumbledore and professor mcgonogall to protect him but the dursleys are very mean to him
  • haloween troll

    During the Halloween feast one of the teachers comes in and tells everyone a troll is loose in the school. Harry and Ron notice Hermione is gone so they go look for her. they find her in the girls bathroom. the troll comes in the bathroom but they beat the troll
  • Harry and draco dual

    Harry and draco get into a fight and agree to a dual at midnight. but draco tricked Harry and instead of draco there were 2 teachers waiting for them. they run away and accidentally find a giant 3 headed dog guarding a door
  • Dudley's birthday

    the dursleys and Harry go to the zoo for Dudley's birthday. Dudley and Harry see a snake and Harry is able to talk to the snake. the glass for the snakes tank disappears and the snake escapes
  • Harry starts getting letters

    Letters start coming to the dursleys house for harry. letters keep coming for days and Mr Dursley keeps destroying them. After hundreds of letters come down their chimney they all go to a hotel to escape the letters
  • letters come to the hotel

    while everyone is at the hotel 100 letters show up so Mr Dursley moves everyone to a small island with a small shack on it
  • Hagrid comes to bring Harry to hogwarts

    while everyone is sleeping harry counting down the time to his birthday. 5 minutes before 12 oclock Harry hears noises outside then hagrid knocks the door down. hagrid tells Harry that he is a famous wizard and about what happened to his parents and then takes him to hogwarts.
  • Diagon alley

    Hagrid takes Harry to diagon alley to get him school supplies. they also go to gringots where Harry has a bunch of money in a vault. hagrid also goes to another vault but wont tell harry what was in there.
  • Harry gets his wand and broom

    Harry gets his wand and is told that it is unusual by the wand maker, he also gets the best broom money can buy the nimbus 2000
  • Harry meets his new friends

    Harry meets Ron Weasley and his family at the train station and they show him how to get to platform 9 3/4 to get the train to hogwarts. on the train Harry also meets Hermione and Neville and a bully named draco.
  • first day at hogwarts

    Harry has his first day at hogwarts with his friends they all put on the sorting hat and are put into griffindoor.
  • Potions class

    Harry Ron and harmione have their first potions class. their teacher is Severus snape. he is a mean teacer
  • gringots vault

    Harry finds out the vault hagrid went to in gringots was broken into but still does not know what was in there
  • Harry joins the quidditch team

    Harry becomes the youngest seeker to play quidditch after being seen riding his broom
  • Harrys first quidditch game

    during Harry's first quidditch game someone puts a spell on Harry's broom and he almost falls off . Hermione thinks it's snape so she tries to catch his robes on fire. the spell on Harry's broom wears off and he catches the snitch in his mouth and wins the game
  • the invisibility cloak

    while opening Christmas presents Harry gets a mystery gift that has a note saying that it was his dads and to use it well. the gift was an invisibility cloak
  • the mirror

    wearing the invisibility cloak Harry explored the school. Harry found a classroom that hasn't been used in a long time. in the classroom he found a fancy mirror.when he looked in the mirror he could see his parents because it was his hearts desire
  • asking hagrid about the sorcerers stone

    Ron Harry and harmione ask hagrid questions about the sorcerers stone and hagrid asks them to come talk to him later. he tells them he doesn't know if anything else is guarding it except the three headed dog
  • detention

    Harry harmione Neville and draco get detention an have to go to the fobiddon forest with hagrid. when they are in the forest they see a shadow monster sucking a unicorns blood. a centaur saves Harry and takes him back to hagrid. the shadow monster was Voldemort trying to get his strength back
  • hagrids dragon

    hagrids shows them a dragon egg he won. hagrids shouldn't have it because its illegal. the egg hatches. before it gets too big they send the dragon to Ron's brother. after they send the dragon away they get cought and get in trouble
  • the trap door

    Harry harmione and Ron go to where the three headed dog is and put it to sleep with a flute. they go in the door and a big plant catches them. Hermione burns it and they get away. then they play a life sized game of chess and Ron gets hurt
  • the sorcerers stone

    after they make it through all the guards they go to get the sorcers stone so snape cant get it but it was professor squirrel and Voldemort is on the back of his head
  • the man with 2 faces

    Voldemort makes Harry look into the mirror and the sorcerers stone falls into his pocket. Harry touches Voldemort and burns him and Harry passes out
  • the house cup

    Harry wakes in the hospital and goes on to help griffindor win the house cup.