Harriet tubman pictures 1

Harriet Tubman

  • Birth

  • Escaped Slavery

    Escaped Slavery
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    Harriet began to help 1850
  • FamIily was rescued

    FamIily was rescued
    Once Harriet heard the news that some members of her family were to be sold, she helped them escape to Philadelphia
  • Sister was rescued

    Sister was rescued
    In 1860 Harriet went back to rescue her sister. She found out when she got there that she had died before she got there.
  • Spy

    Harriet became a spy for the Union army in 1862
  • Nurse

    Governor of Massachusetts had Harriet sent to South Carolina to be a nurse and teacher
  • More slaves freed

    She went with Colonel James Montgomery where they conducted an assault on many plantations along the Combahee River. 700 slaves were freed.
  • Adopted child

    Adopted child
    Harriet and her second husband Nelson Davis adopt a baby girl named Gertie
  • Harriet met John Brown

    Harriet met John Brown
  • Home for colored people was opened

    Home for colored people was opened
    Harriet opened that house for colored people in 1908. She called it "John Brown Home foraged and Indigent Colored People"
  • Death