1822 Harriet's birth
Harriet is born in Dorchester county, Maryland in the march of 1822. -
1844 Harriet marries
Harriet is married for the first time to John who's last name is unknown though Harriet leaves him in 1849 -
Harriet escapes 1849
Harriet runs away from slavery. -
Harriet reaches Pennsylvania 1849
Harriet finally reaches Pennsylvania and legend says that she sat down and prayed. -
1853 Harriet goes on her first rescue
Harriet goes to save her sister and her sister family -
Harriet Remarries
Harriet falls in love with Nelson Davis and marries him on 1869. -
Harriet is remembered
1913 to now Harriet has had many things named after her and is remembered by those who love her -
Harriet's death
on March 10, 1913 Harriet Tubman sadly passes away