League of Nations Conference 1927
A main idea was to established a common structure for the custom duty for different countries
1931 the first version of a Project of custom nomenclature was made and revised in 1937. -
Minimum list of goods for the International Trade Statistics
In 1853-1922, an international statistical nomenclature was initiated. There in 1922, an international bureau of statistics compiled commercial statistics used in the preparation of the harmonized commodity to describe the coding system But was approved by an international convention and signed by 29 countries In 1938 -
Uniform Classification for the International Trade
In 1948 and 1950 the list was revised for the united nations commission of statistics giving it the title of uniform classification for the international trade and there in 1950 the council of social and economy of the united nations adapted a resolution urging all the governments to use this nomenclature for their statistics of international business. -
Brussels Tariff Nomenclature 1948-1955
In 1948 the European customs study the group and continued working on the Geneva nomenclature. Later on in 1950 named it Brussels tariff nomenclature. In 1955 then the Brussels Tariff Nomenclature was revised . -
Customs cooperation board Nomenclature
In1974 the (BTN) renamed ‘The Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature’ (CCCN). This had CCCN Had 1241 headings, Grouped into 99 Chapters and arranged in 21 Sections -
Harmonize System
In 1988 The Harmonized System entered into force. In May 1983 the council concluded the study in which was define a system in which established in:
21 Sections
99 Chapters
1244 Headings
5224 Subheadings