hardy boys

  • the opening for the new roller coaster

    a new attraction opens at the fun spot amusement park the G-force and it seems to be a money maker
  • the disappearance

    after the first ride of the G-force it seemed to be ok but then soon after someone noticed someone was missing and the belt holding her in was cut
  • the investigation

    after a while the police found nothing wrong with the ride and no evidence of the girl running away or hiding
  • jr detectives

    in the police infestigation they found nothing so joe and his brother try to find the girl to save his girlfriend park
  • the desiners

    while the hardy boys looked at the ride they met the desiners for the ride and they show the owner for the park a new trailer and he dose"t like useing a missing kid as a trailer
  • reopening

    after the cops found nothing wrong with the ride so it was rideable and the place was packed and to see what was going joe got an night vision app to see what was going on and then one other person dissapered
  • mystery unfolding

    after the kid disapered joe keep rewinding the night vision video when he finds cal the ride operater on the ride
  • best friend

    after the boys confermed it was cal they tought there was more to the story the boss of the amusment park was his best freind in high school and cal took the blame for a crime he commited and he seeks out revenge for it.
  • found

    after some serching the police found the two missing kids and cal and arested him
  • disaperance

    after it was all done the hardy boys have discovered that daisy was missing