A bully is someone who is overbearing or cruel. The aim os bullying is to cause embarrassment and humiliation in the subject. -
Systematically bothering someone to the point where the environment becomes dangerous in some way. Harassment is aimed at intimidation, and a desire to dominate in some way. -
Dealing with bullying and harassment
- Showing good posture indicates confidence, and may reduce someones likelihood of being a target
- Making eye contact can also communicate that you are not vulnerable. -Avoid isolated areas. Try to stay in public areas, where there are likely to be witnesses to the bullying behavior. -Keep friends around. -Runaway. It is better to leave the situation than comply with a bullies demands.
- Tell an authoritative figure.
Bullying is not only physical
“While many people think of bullying in terms of physical harm and danger, this is not the only type of bullying harassment out there. It is also possible to bully people emotionally, verbally, or electronically without laying a finger on the victim.