Hannah Vs nautilus timeline

  • Washington Commissions First Naval Officer

    Washington Commissions First Naval Officer
    On this day in 1775, General George Washington commissioned Nicholson Broughton captain "in the Army of the United Colonies of North America."
  • Hannah's first voyage

    Hannah's first voyage
    Hannah set sail from the harbor of Beverly, Massachusetts on 5 September 1775, but fled to the protection of the harbor of Gloucester, Massachusetts two days later under the pursuit of HMS Lively and a second British vessel.
  • Hannah is run aground

    Hannah's brief naval career ended on 10 October 1775, when she was run aground under the guns of a small American fort near Beverly by the British sloop Nautilus
  • Preparations for battle ships had been set

    Preparations for battle ships had been set
    This little fleet helped persuade the Continental Congress that the new nation needed a proper navy. On October 13th, Congress ordered that two large vessels be fitted out with guns.